Monday, August 16, 2010

Forget an Apple for the Teacher...Bring T.P.

A first grade student's mother took a double take when her daughter brought home the supply list that said, "Please have your child bring two double rolls of paper towels, three packages of Clorox wipes, three boxes of baby wipes, two boxes of garbage bags, liquid soap, Kleenex  Ziploc bags and hand sanitizer.

At a Hawaiian elementary school, kids were told to bring a four-pack of toilet paper and paper towels in addition to the usual supplies.

Office Depot, Staples and Office Max have been running sales on what was considered necessary items provided by the schools. Display signs posted in the stores remind parents not to send the little tyke of without their own toilet paper, soap, cleaning spray, personal wipes, Kleenex, paper cups, paper plates and plastic dinner utensil. Oh, don't forget the hand-sanitizer.

It is all because the nation's school systems are running out of cash.

When I started going to Fillwood Elementary School all we needed was our butts in the seat.

The school provided us with #0000 grit toilet paper and those old industrial strength brown paper towels you would get from the dispenser.

Kleenex?  Who needed Kleenex, when you had a long-sleeved shirt. Heck your bare arm would work in an emergency.

Hand-sanitizer was unheard of.  The school had that green soap in a glass dispenser that you squirted into your hands. For cleaning your desk, we had those industrial type brown paper towels and plenty of water.

The only thing I recall Miss Moats, my kindergarten teacher, asked us to bring was an old shirt from our dads to put on while we were finger-painting. She called it a smock, which I thought was a funny word.

This reminds me I haven't finger-painted in years.

And I haven't recently seen any of that paste in a jar. I wonder if they still make it?

It was delicious.

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