Thursday, October 30, 2014


1. Always carry yourself as if you are in total control of your life situation…and by not wasting mental energy worrying about what might happen to you, you can put all your

2. Put aside things you have no ability to impact. Mental energy is like muscle strength…no one has an infinite supply. Don't waste your power on things you'll never control.

3. See the past as valuable training and nothing more. Learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others, and then…let it all go…

4. Celebrate the success of others…resentment and jealousy suck up massive amounts of energy, which is better applied elsewhere…

5. No whining…EVER…whining always make you feel worse, never better. When something is wrong, put that mental energy into making the situation better, no matter what it is. Do the same with your friends. Real friends don't let friends whine…real friends help friends make things better…

6. Focus on impressing yourself. Never mind your clothes, your car, your home, your cash, your toys or your title…those are all things. People may like your things, but that doesn't mean they like you…one can become more genuine when one stops trying to impress others, and starts striving to be the best version ever of him or herself…

7. Count your blessings…try this for a month…a simple 4 weeks…every day, write down three things for which you're honestly grateful…call it "doing your gratefuls…" As you age, take more time to be grateful for what you DO have and pay less or no attention to what you DO NOT have…

Feeling better about yourself is the best way imaginable to recharge your mental batteries…

From B.L.C.