Saturday, November 01, 2014

Ella Fitzgerald

“I owe Marilyn Monroe a real debt ... she personally called the owner of the Mocambo, and told him she wanted me booked immediately, and if he would do it, she would take a front table every night. She told him—and it was true, due to Marilyn's superstar status—that the press would go wild. The owner said yes, and Marilyn was there, front table, every night. The press went overboard. After that, I never had to play a small jazz club again." -Ella Fitzgerald
So many women believe that they can only have success at the expense of another woman. But they couldn't be more wrong. The power we women hold within us is a light, a light that loses nothing by being shared. It is our job as women to inspire, pave the way and give hope to other women. Happy Birthday, Marilyn

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